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Article summary:

1. German newspaper Die Welt argues that Ukraine is unlikely to win the war against Russia due to insufficient support from the West and a lack of advanced weaponry.

2. The article claims that Russia has destroyed up to 70% of Ukraine's critical infrastructure, and can mobilize up to 30 million people if necessary.

3. The author suggests that Ukraine will be unable to reclaim its occupied territories, and may even lose more land in the future due to Russia's superior military capabilities.

Article analysis:

The article in question is written by Christoph Schiltz for German newspaper Die Welt, and provides an analysis of the ongoing war between Ukraine and Russia. The article is largely one-sided, as it focuses solely on the potential failure of Ukraine in this conflict without providing any counterarguments or exploring other possible outcomes. Furthermore, many of the claims made are unsupported by evidence or sources, such as the claim that Russia has destroyed up to 70% of Ukraine's critical infrastructure. Additionally, there is no mention of any potential risks associated with a Ukrainian defeat in this conflict, nor does the article provide any insight into how such a defeat could affect Europe or other countries in the region. Finally, while some sources are cited throughout the article (such as WIIW), these sources are not always reliable or impartial. In conclusion, while this article provides an interesting perspective on the current situation in Ukraine, it should be read with caution due to its lack of objectivity and unsupported claims.