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Article summary:

1. This study conducted a comprehensive water footprint assessment of a dairy industrial chain in China using ISO 14046.

2. Results showed that the indirect water scarcity footprint accounted for more than 92% of the total water footprint and was much larger than its direct water scarcity footprint.

3. The results highlighted that the water footprint of the dairy industrial chain could be greatly reduced by increasing the water efficiency of each production process, improving wastewater treatment capacity, reducing the water footprint of the supply chain, and considering the water sustainability of the river basin.

Article analysis:

The article is generally reliable and trustworthy as it provides detailed information on its research methodology and results, which are supported by evidence from other studies. The authors also provide an analysis of their findings and suggest potential solutions to reduce the water footprint of dairy industrial chains in China. However, there are some potential biases in this article that should be noted. Firstly, it is not clear if all relevant stakeholders were consulted during this research process or if any counterarguments were considered when formulating conclusions and recommendations. Secondly, while this article does provide some insights into how to reduce the environmental impact of dairy production in China, it does not explore other potential solutions such as alternative sources of energy or sustainable farming practices that could further reduce environmental impacts. Finally, while this article does provide some useful information on how to reduce environmental impacts associated with dairy production in China, it does not address any potential risks associated with implementing these solutions such as increased costs or decreased productivity.