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Article summary:

1. Language contact is an important way for language variation to occur. The AnYang dialect of Chinese has its own unique pronunciation, vocabulary usage, and grammar rules.

2. In the past half century since the promotion of Putonghua (Standard Mandarin) began in the 1950s, many assimilation phenomena have occurred in the AnYang dialect due to language contact.

3. This article examines how language contact has affected the ability of AnYang dialect users to use their dialect through interviews with several users.

Article analysis:

The article is generally reliable and trustworthy as it provides a detailed overview of how language contact has affected the ability of AnYang dialect users to use their dialect through interviews with several users. The author cites relevant sources and provides evidence for their claims, such as citing statistics on influence factors, citation numbers, search index numbers, and publication volumes. Additionally, the article does not appear to be biased or one-sided in its reporting; it presents both sides equally by providing an overview of both Putonghua (Standard Mandarin) and AnYang dialects before discussing how they interact with each other.

However, there are some potential areas for improvement in terms of trustworthiness and reliability. For example, while the author cites relevant sources throughout the article, they do not provide any counterarguments or explore any possible risks associated with language contact between Putonghua (Standard Mandarin) and AnYang dialects. Additionally, while the author discusses how language contact has affected AnYang dialect users’ ability to use their dialects, they do not discuss any potential effects that this could have on other aspects of life such as culture or identity formation among speakers of these two languages. Finally, while the article does provide some statistical evidence for its claims regarding influence factors and citation numbers etc., it does not provide any evidence for its claims regarding search index numbers or publication volumes which could potentially weaken its overall trustworthiness and reliability if these claims are unsubstantiated.