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Article summary:

1. The Black Lives Matter movement, which began in 2013, has had a significant impact on the political and legal landscape in the United States.

2. The movement has led to the ousting of corrupt prosecutors, influenced the Democratic Party's platform, and contributed to the election of Black leftist organizers to public office.

3. The movement's use of social media as a mobilization tool has paved the way for other successful movements such as MeToo and NeverAgain. Despite less media coverage, the movement continues to fight for change at the local level.

Article analysis:

The article titled "How Black Lives Matter Changed the Way Americans Fight for Freedom" provides an overview of the impact and achievements of the Black Lives Matter (BLM) movement. While it highlights some important accomplishments, there are several potential biases and shortcomings in the article that need to be addressed.

One potential bias in the article is its focus on portraying BLM as a highly influential and successful movement. The author emphasizes the movement's impact on political and legal landscapes, including ousting corrupt prosecutors and influencing Democratic party platforms. However, there is limited discussion of any potential criticisms or failures of the movement. This one-sided reporting presents BLM in an overly positive light without acknowledging any valid counterarguments or concerns.

Additionally, the article lacks evidence to support some of its claims. For example, it states that BLM has had a measurable impact on the political and legal landscape but does not provide specific examples or data to back up this assertion. Without concrete evidence, these claims remain unsupported and weaken the overall credibility of the article.

Furthermore, there are missing points of consideration in the article. It fails to address any potential negative consequences or risks associated with BLM's activism. While it acknowledges that mainstream media coverage has decreased, it dismisses concerns about BLM's decline by suggesting that it is still active at a local level. However, this overlooks important questions about sustainability, effectiveness, and potential backlash against the movement.

The article also exhibits promotional content by highlighting specific initiatives within BLM such as Alicia Garza's Black Census Project and Patrisse Cullor's grassroots effort Dignity and Power Now. While these projects may be noteworthy, their inclusion without critical analysis or examination raises questions about impartiality.

Moreover, there is a lack of exploration of counterarguments or alternative perspectives throughout the article. By presenting only one side of the story, it fails to engage with differing viewpoints or acknowledge any valid criticisms of BLM. This undermines the article's objectivity and contributes to a biased portrayal of the movement.

In conclusion, the article on how Black Lives Matter changed the way Americans fight for freedom exhibits potential biases and shortcomings. It presents a one-sided view of BLM's impact, lacks evidence to support its claims, overlooks potential risks and criticisms, includes promotional content, and fails to explore counterarguments. A more balanced and comprehensive analysis would provide a more accurate representation of the movement's achievements and challenges.