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Article summary:

1. High demand products can be found by estimating search volume with tools like Google Keyword Planner and looking for low Amazon best seller ranks.

2. Competition can be estimated by the number of product listings, product reviews, and how well search intent matches.

3. Digital products are often more profitable than physical products due to lower creation costs and the ability to resell without remanufacturing.

Article analysis:

The article "How to find high demand products with low competition to sell" by TightFist Finance provides some useful tips for finding profitable products to sell online. The author suggests using tools like Google Keyword Planner, Amazon best seller rank, and Jungle Scout to estimate product demand and competition. They also recommend paying attention to the number of product listings, product reviews, and search intent.

However, the article has some potential biases and limitations that readers should be aware of. For example, the author seems to have a strong preference for digital products over physical products. While it's true that digital products can be more profitable in some cases, they may not be suitable for all types of businesses or audiences. Additionally, the article doesn't provide much guidance on how to actually source or create these products.

Another potential bias is that the author assumes that Amazon is a good indicator of overall market demand. While Amazon is certainly a popular platform for selling products, it may not reflect the preferences or needs of all consumers. Moreover, relying solely on Amazon best seller rank could lead sellers to overlook niche markets or emerging trends.

The article also makes some unsupported claims about what types of products are most profitable. For example, the author states that "digital products are superior to physical products for selling," but doesn't provide any evidence or data to support this claim. Similarly, they suggest that lightweight and shelf-stable physical products are more profitable than others without explaining why.

One-sided reporting is another issue with this article. While it provides some useful tips for finding high-demand products with low competition, it doesn't explore potential risks or downsides of this approach. For example, focusing too narrowly on search volume and competition could lead sellers to overlook other important factors like customer demographics or product quality.

Overall, while this article offers some helpful advice for finding profitable products to sell online, readers should approach it with a critical eye and consider other sources of information as well.