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Article summary:

1. This paper explores the relationship between sustainable supply chain management and digital transformation through the adoption of specific technologies (Blockchain technology, big data analytics, internet of things).

2. It aims to develop a conceptual framework that explains how the combination of these technologies can lead to the development of sustainable performances.

3. The findings reveal that digital transformation plays an important role in companies, as it can increase their competitive advantage and/or business performance.

Article analysis:

The article is generally reliable and trustworthy, as it provides a comprehensive overview of the relationship between sustainable supply chain management and digital transformation through the adoption of specific technologies. The author has conducted a thorough literature review analysis to identify definitions and theories used to explain different pillars of sustainability, as well as examining the effect of different technologies on sustainable supply chain management. Furthermore, the article presents a theoretical conceptual framework which could enable both academics and practitioners to examine the impact of adopting different technologies on sustainable supply chain management.

However, there are some potential biases in the article which should be noted. Firstly, there is a lack of evidence for some claims made in the article; for example, while it is stated that digital transformation can increase competitive advantage and/or business performance, no evidence is provided to support this claim. Secondly, there is also a lack of exploration into counterarguments; while some potential risks associated with digital transformation are mentioned (e.g., data security), other possible risks are not discussed or explored further. Finally, there is also a lack of impartiality in the article; while some advantages associated with digital transformation are discussed in detail (e.g., increased efficiency), other potential disadvantages are not given equal consideration or discussion.