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Article summary:

1. The World Health Organization has convened an urgent meeting to discuss the feasibility of testing Marburg virus vaccines.

2. The outbreak is in Equatorial Guinea and has been linked to 9 deaths among 25 suspected cases.

3. Vaccine trials could provide valuable data on the safety of vaccines and the immune response they generate in populations at risk of future outbreaks.

Article analysis:

The article is generally reliable and trustworthy, as it provides accurate information about the Marburg virus outbreak in Equatorial Guinea, as well as details about the various vaccine candidates that are being developed to combat it. The article also provides a balanced view of the situation, noting both the potential benefits of conducting a vaccine trial in Equatorial Guinea, as well as the challenges associated with doing so due to the possibility that other control measures such as quarantine could end the outbreak before a single vaccine dose can be administered.

However, there are some potential biases present in the article which should be noted. For example, while it does mention that there have been 16 previous Marburg outbreaks, it focuses primarily on two larger ones (in DRC and Angola) which may give readers an overly pessimistic view of how quickly this current outbreak can be contained. Additionally, while it does mention some potential risks associated with conducting a vaccine trial in Equatorial Guinea (such as safety concerns), these risks are not explored in any depth or detail which could lead readers to underestimate them.

Finally, while the article does provide some information about each of the leading vaccine candidates (including their development status and efficacy), it does not explore any possible counterarguments or alternative approaches which could be taken to combat this outbreak. This lack of exploration may lead readers to overestimate how effective these vaccines will be if/when they are tested in Equatorial Guinea.