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Article summary:

1. The Balance Evaluation Systems Test (BESTest) is a quantitative assessment tool that identifies the disordered systems underlying postural control responsible for poor functional balance.

2. BESTest incorporates different balance systems to help clinicians determine the type of balance problems and direct specific treatments for their patients.

3. BESTest can be used in varied age and severity of ambulator patients with neurological conditions, vestibular disorders, cognitive impairments, and elderly individuals. It takes approximately 20-30 minutes to administer and consists of 36 items scored on an ordinal scale from 0-3.

Article analysis:

The article provides a comprehensive overview of the Balance Evaluation Systems Test (BESTest), a quantitative assessment tool used to identify the disordered systems underlying postural control responsible for poor functional balance. The article highlights the strength of BESTest, which incorporates different balance systems to help in postural control and enables clinicians to determine the type of balance problems so as to direct specific treatments for their patients.

However, the article lacks critical analysis and fails to provide insights into potential biases and sources of bias. It also does not explore counterarguments or present both sides equally. The article appears promotional in nature, with no mention of possible risks associated with BESTest.

Additionally, while the article mentions that BESTest can be used in varied age and severity of ambulator patients with neurological conditions, vestibular disorders, cognitive impairments, and elderly individuals, it does not provide evidence for its effectiveness in these populations.

Furthermore, the article lacks information on the required training for administering BESTest and interpreting its results. It also does not discuss any limitations or challenges associated with using BESTest.

Overall, while the article provides a useful overview of BESTest, it lacks critical analysis and fails to address important considerations related to its use. As such, readers should approach this information with caution and seek additional resources before making any decisions regarding its use.