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Article summary:

1. AI technology needs to be regulated to ensure it is used in safe, ethical, and beneficial ways for society.

2. Unchecked and unregulated AI could lead to a dystopian future where the risks of AI far outweigh its benefits.

3. A dedicated agency should be created to regulate AI, and a nonpartisan AI Commission should provide recommendations on how to structure this agency and what types of AI should be regulated.

Article analysis:

The article "AI Needs To Be Regulated Now" by Ted Lieu, a Congressman from California, argues that the rapid advancements in AI technology require immediate regulation to ensure its safe and ethical use. The author highlights the potential risks of unchecked AI, including autonomous weapons, biased decision-making systems, and cyberattacks. He also acknowledges the benefits of AI but notes that it has already caused harm, such as deep fake videos and facial recognition systems that discriminate against minorities.

The article presents a compelling argument for regulating AI and proposes creating a dedicated agency to oversee its development and deployment. However, there are some potential biases in the article that should be considered. For example, the author is a member of Congress with a computer science degree who may have a vested interest in regulating AI. Additionally, the article focuses primarily on the potential risks of AI without exploring its potential benefits fully.

The article also makes some unsupported claims about the harm caused by AI. For example, it suggests that Tesla's "full self-driving" feature malfunctioned last Thanksgiving in San Francisco's Yerba Buena Tunnel, causing a multicar accident. However, the exact cause of the accident has not been fully established yet. Similarly, while facial recognition systems used by law enforcement are less accurate for people with darker skin, resulting in possible misidentification of innocent minorities is true; it is unclear whether private entities like Los Angeles Football Club or Madison Square Garden Entertainment are deploying A.I. facial recognition systems.

Moreover, while proposing an agency to regulate AI is an excellent idea to mitigate risks associated with A.I., it does not address how this agency will function or what standards should apply to regulate A.I.'s development and deployment effectively.

Overall, while the article raises valid concerns about regulating AI's development and deployment to mitigate its potential risks effectively; it could benefit from exploring both sides equally and providing more evidence for some of its claims.