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Article summary:

1. Microsoft Bing's app downloads have skyrocketed by a factor of 10 after announcing the integration of its Bing search engine and Edge browser with ChatGPT technology.

2. The Bing app is now the 10th most popular free app on Apple’s App Store and the second most popular free productivity app behind Gmail.

3. Microsoft's new integration with ChatGPT, along with its existing web and search experience, have been instrumental in this success story, leading to further growth for Microsoft in terms of market share, user adoption and usage.

Article analysis:

The article provides an overview of the overnight success story of Microsoft Bing following their announcement to integrate their search engine and Edge browser with ChatGPT technology. The article is generally reliable as it provides evidence for its claims such as data from data.ai showing that global downloads of the Bing app jumped 10-fold overnight, making it the 10th most popular free app on Apple’s App Store and the second most popular free productivity app behind Gmail. However, there are some potential biases present in the article which should be noted. For example, while it does mention that users must sign up for a waiting list in order to access the new smart experience, it does not provide any information about how long they may have to wait or what criteria will be used to determine who gets preferential access first. Additionally, while it does mention that “millions” of people on the waiting list will be invited to try out the new AI integration experience “in the coming weeks”, there is no indication as to how many people are actually on this waiting list or when exactly these invitations will be sent out. Furthermore, while it does provide evidence for its claims regarding downloads and rankings on Apple’s App Store charts, there is no mention of any other platforms or stores where these apps may also be available (e.g., Google Play). Finally, while it does note that Microsoft has officially announced a new browsing and search experience with integrated ChatGPT-like functionality, there is no discussion about any potential risks associated with using this technology or how users can protect themselves from potential security threats or privacy violations when using this service.