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Article summary:

1. President Donald Trump announced the creation of a "National Commission to Promote Patriotic Education" called "The 1776 Commission".

2. The speech was heavily focused on criticizing the New York Times' "1619 Project", which aims to reframe American history by placing slavery and black contributions at its center.

3. Trump argued that teaching critical race theory is akin to "child abuse" and that left-wing indoctrination in schools has led to rioting and mayhem.

Article analysis:

This article is written from a biased perspective, as it presents President Donald Trump's views without providing any counterarguments or exploring alternative perspectives. The article does not provide any evidence for the claims made by Trump, such as his assertion that teaching critical race theory is akin to “child abuse”, nor does it explore any potential risks associated with his proposed commission. Additionally, the article fails to present both sides of the argument equally, instead focusing solely on Trump's views while ignoring those of other stakeholders. Furthermore, there is no mention of how this commission will be funded or what its goals are beyond promoting “patriotic education”. Finally, the article does not address any potential conflicts of interest that may arise from creating such a commission under Trump's administration.