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Article summary:

1. Russia has been quietly consolidating its control over the territories it occupies in southeastern Ukraine, including about 25,000 square miles of land seized since February 2022.

2. The Russian government is involved in a costly and ambitious program to integrate these newly occupied territories into the Russian Federation, similar to what was done with Crimea in 2014.

3. Russia is implementing measures such as issuing Russian passports, enforcing compliance, imposing Russian education and cultural indoctrination, and obliterating Ukrainian symbols to solidify its control over the occupied territories.

Article analysis:

The article titled "The Quiet Transformation of Occupied Ukraine: Away From the Frontlines, Russia Cements Its Conquest" provides a detailed analysis of Russia's control over the territories it occupies in southeastern Ukraine. However, there are several potential biases and missing points of consideration that need to be addressed.

Firstly, the article portrays Russia as consolidating its control over the occupied territories without much resistance from Ukraine or the international community. While it is true that Russia has been able to maintain control over these areas, it fails to mention the ongoing conflict and resistance from Ukrainian forces and local populations. The Ukrainian military has maintained an armed resistance behind the frontlines in all four oblasts, with reports of attacks on Russian officers and collaborators. This suggests that there is still active opposition to Russian occupation.

Secondly, the article focuses primarily on the actions and policies of Russia, painting a negative picture of its governance in the occupied territories. It highlights issues such as forced compliance, propaganda, indoctrination, and economic exploitation. While these concerns may be valid, there is little mention of any potential benefits or positive aspects for the local population under Russian control. This one-sided reporting undermines the credibility of the analysis.

Additionally, there are unsupported claims made throughout the article without providing evidence or sources. For example, it states that "more than half the prewar population of newly occupied regions fled after Russia invaded in 2022." However, no data or sources are provided to support this claim. Similarly, it mentions that "almost 90 percent of remaining residents... have now been issued Russian passports," but again fails to provide evidence for this statistic.

Furthermore, there is a lack of exploration of counterarguments or alternative perspectives. The article presents a narrative that assumes Russia's actions are solely aimed at consolidating control and undermining Ukraine's sovereignty. It does not consider other possible motivations or geopolitical factors that may be influencing Russia's actions.

Overall, the article exhibits potential biases in its portrayal of Russia's control over occupied Ukraine. It presents a one-sided view of the situation, fails to provide evidence for some claims, and overlooks important counterarguments and perspectives. A more balanced analysis would consider the complexities of the conflict and provide a more nuanced understanding of the situation on the ground.