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Article summary:

1. Futurist Kevin Kelly coined the term "protopia" in 2009 to describe a society that makes incremental progress over time thanks to technological advancement.

2. Protopia has gained traction among futurists as an alternative to the binary of utopia and dystopia, offering a more realistic and humane pathway to a better future.

3. Proponents of protopian thinking have different visions for what the future should look like, but all emphasize inclusivity, sustainability, and human-centered solutions.

Article analysis:

The New York Times article "Forget Utopia. Ignore Dystopia. Embrace Protopia!" explores the concept of protopia, a society that makes incremental progress over time thanks to technological advancements. The article highlights the views of Kevin Kelly, who coined the term in his book "What Technology Wants," and Monika Bielskyte, founder of Protopia Futures, who believes that protopian progress must be rigorous and inclusive.

While the article provides an interesting perspective on the potential benefits of protopian thinking, it is not without its biases and limitations. For example, the article focuses primarily on the views of proponents of protopia and does not explore counterarguments or potential risks associated with this approach.

Additionally, while Ms. Bielskyte's emphasis on inclusivity is commendable, her assertion that technology is always shaped by our biases overlooks the fact that technology can also challenge and disrupt existing biases. Furthermore, the article does not address how protopian thinking can address systemic issues such as economic inequality or climate change.

The article also contains promotional content for various organizations promoting protopian values, which may lead readers to question whether these groups have influenced the reporting. Additionally, some claims made in the article are unsupported or lack evidence.

Overall, while "Forget Utopia. Ignore Dystopia. Embrace Protopia!" offers an intriguing perspective on a potential alternative to traditional utopian or dystopian thinking, it would benefit from a more balanced exploration of both its benefits and limitations.