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Article summary:

1. Donald Trump responded to his arrest and arraignment by declaring that he would arrest President Biden, his family, and other political opponents if he returns to power.

2. Trump's language combined threats of dictatorship and anti-communist hysteria, appealing to sections of the ruling class and neo-Nazi elements on the basis of fervid anti-communism.

3. The media coverage of Trump’s arraignment and subsequent diatribe has for the most part avoided any discussion of his role in January 6 and in the ongoing preparations for fascist violence in the United States.

Article analysis:

The article "After arraignment, Trump unleashes fascist tirade" by the World Socialist Web Site provides a critical analysis of former President Donald Trump's response to his arrest and arraignment. The article highlights Trump's threats of dictatorship and anti-communist hysteria, as well as his vow to arrest President Biden, his family, and other political opponents if he returns to power.

The article argues that Trump's language is intended to appeal to sections of the ruling class and neo-Nazi elements on the basis of fervid anti-communism. However, it fails to provide evidence for this claim or explore counterarguments. Additionally, the article suggests that the media coverage of Trump's arraignment has avoided discussion of his role in January 6 and ongoing preparations for fascist violence in the United States. While this may be true to some extent, the article itself does not provide a comprehensive analysis of these issues.

Furthermore, the article makes unsupported claims about the Biden administration's motives for bringing charges against Trump under the Espionage Act. It suggests that there is no democratic content to charging Trump over endangering national security secrets because they are kept from the American people in order to hide military preparations and ongoing provocations of American imperialism. However, this claim lacks evidence and ignores potential risks associated with revealing classified information.

Overall, while the article raises important points about Trump's rhetoric and potential threats to democracy, it also presents a one-sided perspective that lacks nuance and evidence for some of its claims.