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Article summary:

1. Many in the Global South hold a different view on the Ukraine-Russia conflict, with opinion polls in places like China, India, and Turkey showing a clear preference for the war to end now.

2. Historical issues such as memories of colonialism impact how the Ukraine war is perceived elsewhere, with Russia not seen as one of the great colonial powers that controlled them for centuries unlike other European powers.

3. The Global South is driven by a sense of urgency for hostilities to end so that trade can resume as it was a year ago, and many states have abstained from UN resolutions condemning Moscow instead calling for negotiations.

Article analysis:

The article "Why does so much of the Global South support Russia, not Ukraine?" by Euronews provides an interesting perspective on the attitudes towards the ongoing conflict in Ukraine. However, it suffers from several biases and lacks a comprehensive analysis of the issue.

One of the main biases in the article is its focus on the Global South as a monolithic entity with uniform views on the conflict. The author acknowledges that attitudes vary across different regions but fails to provide a nuanced analysis of these differences. For instance, while China and India may have expressed support for Russia, other countries like Brazil and South Africa have taken a more neutral stance. By lumping all these countries together, the article oversimplifies a complex issue.

Another bias in the article is its tendency to downplay Russia's role in the conflict. While acknowledging that Moscow has invaded Ukraine, the author suggests that this action is not dissimilar from what Western countries have done in other parts of the world. This comparison is misleading as it ignores key differences between Russia's actions in Ukraine and Western interventions elsewhere. For example, unlike Western powers, Russia has annexed Ukrainian territory and supported separatist movements within Ukraine.

The article also lacks evidence to support some of its claims. For instance, it suggests that many in the Global South hold a clear preference for ending the war even if it means Ukraine giving up territory. However, it does not provide any data or sources to back up this claim.

Moreover, while highlighting historical issues that impact how the conflict is perceived elsewhere, such as memories of colonialism, it fails to explore other factors such as ethnic tensions within Ukraine or geopolitical interests at play.

Finally, while acknowledging that millions are at risk of famine due to surging food prices caused by the conflict, there is no discussion of potential risks associated with supporting Russia's actions or how they might exacerbate global instability.

In conclusion, while providing an interesting perspective on attitudes towards the conflict in Ukraine, the article suffers from several biases and lacks a comprehensive analysis of the issue. It would benefit from a more nuanced approach that takes into account the diversity of views within the Global South and explores all relevant factors contributing to the conflict.