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Article summary:

1. TIMCO offers a range of metal construction screws, including countersunk, wing-tip, self-drilling and zinc screws.

2. The product specifications for the 5.5 x 85mm wing-tip screw are listed, including pack type, pack quantity, barcode and thread Ø (mm).

3. The screw is suitable for use with timber and heavy section steel substrates.

Article analysis:

The article provides detailed information about the product specifications of the 5.5 x 85mm wing-tip screw offered by TIMCO. However, there is no mention of any potential risks associated with using this product or any other products offered by TIMCO. Additionally, there is no discussion of any possible alternatives to using this particular product or any other products offered by TIMCO that may be more suitable for certain applications. Furthermore, there is no indication as to whether the claims made in the article have been verified or tested in any way before being presented to readers. As such, it is difficult to assess the trustworthiness and reliability of the article without further evidence or verification of its claims.