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Article summary:

1. State College, PA is one of the safest metropolitan areas in America, but domestic violence still occurs.

2. The documentary “Telling Amy’s Story” tells the story of Amy Homan McGee, a Penn State graduate and mother of two boys who was shot point blank by her husband in 2001.

3. The State College Police Department has created a specialized unit to coordinate responses to domestic violence cases at a county-wide level and has received multiple federal grants to create a more comprehensive partnership between law enforcement and victim services.

Article analysis:

The article is generally reliable and trustworthy as it provides evidence for its claims such as statistics from Congressional Quarterly Press’s 2010 Metropolitan Crime Rate Rankings, information about the Centre County Domestic Violence Fatality Review Committee, and details about the State College Police Department's specialized unit for domestic violence cases. It also provides quotes from relevant sources such as Detective Deirdri Fishel and Anne Ard from the Centre County Women’s Resource Center which adds credibility to the article.

However, there are some potential biases in the article that should be noted. For example, it does not provide any counterarguments or explore any other possible solutions to combatting domestic violence besides those implemented by the State College Police Department. Additionally, it does not mention any potential risks associated with these solutions or any potential drawbacks that could arise from them. Furthermore, it does not present both sides of the issue equally as it focuses mainly on how successful the police department's efforts have been in combating domestic violence without providing an equal amount of attention to other possible solutions or perspectives on this issue.