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Article summary:

1. The article discusses the use of ultrasonic guided waves for delamination detection in multi-layered composite laminates.

2. Different techniques have been developed to analyze wave propagation in laminated plates, such as transfer matrix method, global matrix method, stiffness transfer matrix method, equivalent matrix method, delta matrix method, scattering matrix method, green matrix method and reverberation-ray matrix method.

3. The Legendre orthogonal polynomial method (LOPM) has been used to acquire the dispersion curves and investigate the behavior of wave propagation in more complex laminated structures.

Article analysis:

The article provides a comprehensive overview of the various techniques used to analyze wave propagation in multi-layered composite laminates. It is well written and provides detailed information on each technique discussed. The article is reliable and trustworthy as it cites relevant sources for each technique discussed and provides evidence for its claims. However, there are some potential biases that should be noted. For example, the article does not discuss any counterarguments or possible risks associated with using these techniques for delamination detection in multi-layered composite laminates. Additionally, it does not present both sides equally when discussing the various techniques used to analyze wave propagation in laminated plates; instead it focuses mainly on the advantages of each technique without exploring any potential drawbacks or limitations. Furthermore, there is a lack of discussion on how these techniques can be applied practically or what their implications are for industry applications. All in all, this article is reliable and trustworthy but could benefit from further exploration into potential risks and counterarguments associated with using these techniques for delamination detection in multi-layered composite laminates.