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Article summary:

1. This paper examines the validity of a trip-chaining method used to estimate public transport origin-destination (O–D) using smart card fare data.

2. The study revealed some shortcomings of the trip-chaining method and proposed improvements were tested.

3. The evaluation of the last destination assumption of the trip-chaining method showed a significant negative impact on the matching results, and the proposed changes to the algorithm improved the average distance between actual and estimated alighting stops.

Article analysis:

The article is generally reliable and trustworthy, as it provides detailed information about its methodology, data sources, and results. The authors have also provided evidence for their claims by citing relevant research studies and providing figures and tables to support their findings. Furthermore, they have acknowledged potential limitations in their study such as lack of data on passengers’ alighting which could affect the accuracy of O–D estimation results.

However, there are some points that could be further explored in future research such as exploring other methods for O–D estimation or examining how different types of smart card fare data can be used to improve O–D estimation accuracy. Additionally, while the authors have discussed potential improvements to the existing algorithm, they have not provided any evidence or analysis regarding how these improvements would affect overall accuracy or reliability of O–D estimation results.