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Article summary:

1. Apple has become an important part of the human diet due to its taste, texture, and nutrients.

2. Mechanical parameters are used as a substitute for mechanical damage in fruit, such as bruise volume, impact energy, strain energy, compression energy, absorption energy, and peak force.

3. Hyperspectral imaging technology is used to detect physical damage in apples and predict their mechanical properties using a support vector machine model.

Article analysis:

The article provides a comprehensive overview of the use of hyperspectral imaging technology to predict the mechanical properties of apples. The article is well-structured and clearly explains the research process from data collection to model building. The authors provide evidence for their claims by citing relevant studies on bruise susceptibilities of fruit affected by mechanical properties and consumer acceptance.

However, there are some potential biases in the article that should be noted. For example, the authors focus mainly on the benefits of using hyperspectral imaging technology to predict mechanical parameters without exploring any potential risks or drawbacks associated with this method. Additionally, while the authors cite several studies related to bruise susceptibilities of fruit affected by mechanical properties and consumer acceptance, they do not explore any counterarguments or alternative perspectives on these topics. Furthermore, while the authors discuss how global apple production has increased significantly over recent years, they do not provide any evidence or data to support this claim.

In conclusion, while this article provides an informative overview of how hyperspectral imaging technology can be used to predict mechanical parameters in apples, it does not explore all possible perspectives or consider potential risks associated with this method. Therefore, further research is needed before drawing any definitive conclusions about its effectiveness and reliability.