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Article summary:

1. Willingness to Communicate (WTC) is a concept that has recently started to receive considerable attention in second-language acquisition research and language teaching practice.

2. WTC has been proposed as an important goal in English-language teaching, both to encourage L2 interaction in the classroom and to enable students to continue to communicate beyond the classroom.

3. Research has found that the level of WTC in learners influences the frequency and amount of L2 communication, which can facilitate successful L2 acquisition.

Article analysis:

The article provides a comprehensive overview of Willingness to Communicate (WTC) as a concept that has recently started to receive considerable attention in second-language acquisition research and language teaching practice. The article is well written and provides clear explanations of the concept, its importance for language learning, and how it can be encouraged in the classroom.

The article is based on reliable sources such as Swain and Lapkin (1995), MacIntyre et al. (1998), Clement et al. (2003), Yashima (2002), Kang (2005), MacIntyre et al. (2001), Derwing et al. (2008), Cao & Philp (2006) and Yashima et al. (2004). The sources are all reputable academic journals or books, which adds credibility to the claims made by the author.

The article does not appear to have any biases or one-sided reporting; instead it presents a balanced view of WTC, exploring both its benefits for language learning as well as potential challenges associated with encouraging it in the classroom setting. The author also provides practical advice on how teachers can gauge levels of WTC among their students and ways of encouraging it in their classrooms, which makes this article particularly useful for language teachers looking for guidance on this topic.

In conclusion, this article is trustworthy and reliable due to its use of reputable sources and balanced approach towards discussing WTC in language learning contexts.