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Article summary:

1. The exponential growth of digitization in the last two decades has meant that most existing information is in digital format, and data analytics allows computers to correlate data, identify patterns, and make inferences faster and more efficiently than a human being could ever do.

2. Data are a valuable resource from which information and knowledge are extracted, enabling the transformation of traditional sectors and the creation of new business models.

3. Developing countries often face data scarcity due to the concentration of data in large firms, which can put them in a “data poverty trap” where they cannot take advantage of the initial stages of the economic exploitation of data.

Article analysis:

The article provides an overview of industrial policy and its articulation with data governance. It is well-written and provides an accurate description of the current state of affairs regarding industrial policy and data governance. The article does not appear to be biased or one-sided; it presents both sides equally by discussing both the advantages and disadvantages associated with industrial policy and data governance. Furthermore, it provides evidence for its claims by citing sources such as Joseph Stiglitz's remarks on learning societies, as well as organizations such as the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD).

However, there are some points that could have been explored further or presented more clearly. For example, while the article mentions that developing countries often face data scarcity due to concentration in large firms, it does not provide any concrete examples or discuss potential solutions to this issue. Additionally, while it discusses how industrial policy can help facilitate knowledge diffusion from developed to developing countries, it does not provide any specific examples or discuss potential challenges associated with this process.

In conclusion, overall this article is reliable and trustworthy; however there are some areas that could have been explored further or presented more clearly for a better understanding of the topic at hand.