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Article summary:

1. Linguistic landscape studies have emerged as a blooming field around the globe, including in countries where Spanish is spoken. The linguistic landscape can be used as a tool for teaching Spanish as a Foreign Language (E/LE) and has pedagogical potential for language acquisition and learning about languages.

2. The Basque Country is a multilingual context where Basque and Spanish are co-official languages widely taught at all levels of education, with English also taught from an early age. Due to migration, an increasing number of pupils bring different home languages to the classroom, including Arabic, Berber, Bulgarian, Chinese, Romanian and Turkish as well as different varieties of Spanish.

3. Most of the research on linguistic landscapes in the Basque Country has taken place in the city of Donostia-San Sebastián, which has a population of around 186,000 inhabitants. The linguistic landscape in this city reflects its multilingual character and provides opportunities for language learning and raising language awareness.

Article analysis:


1. 偏见来源:该文章没有明确提到作者的背景和立场,因此可能存在偏见。例如,作者可能是一个西班牙人或巴斯克人,对于其他语言和文化可能存在偏见。

2. 片面报道:该文章只关注了在西班牙巴斯克地区的多语环境中使用语言景观进行教学的潜力,并没有探讨其他国家或地区的情况。这种片面报道可能会导致读者对于使用语言景观进行教学的普遍性产生误解。

3. 缺失考虑点:该文章没有考虑到使用语言景观进行教学可能会带来的风险和挑战。例如,某些标志可能包含不当或歧视性内容,这可能会引起争议和不满。

4. 主张缺失证据:尽管该文章声称使用语言景观可以促进外语学习和提高语言意识,但并没有提供足够的证据来支持这一主张。更多研究需要进行以验证这一主张。

5. 未探索反驳:该文章没有探讨使用语言景观进行教学可能会面临的反驳和批评。例如,一些人可能认为这种方法过于依赖公共标志,而忽略了其他形式的语言和文化。
