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Article summary:

1. An incident involving four middle school girls in Busan collectively assaulting and injuring one person has caused public outrage, leading to a petition for the abolition of the Juvenile Act.

2. Many people are criticizing the current legal system for protecting perpetrators more than victims, as cases where proper punishment has not been carried out are being re-examined.

3. The article argues that minors should be punished for violent crimes, regardless of their age, and that the current legal system is far from reflecting public sentiment.

Article analysis:

The article presents a one-sided view of the issue at hand, focusing solely on the need to punish minors for violent crimes without exploring any counterarguments or considering other points of view. It also fails to provide any evidence to support its claims, relying instead on anecdotal evidence such as comments from TV programs and petitions from members of the public. Furthermore, it does not address any potential risks associated with punishing minors for violent crimes or consider alternative solutions such as rehabilitation or education. Additionally, it does not present both sides of the argument equally; instead it focuses solely on punishing minors without exploring any other options or considering any mitigating factors. As such, this article is biased and unreliable due to its lack of evidence and exploration of alternative perspectives.