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Article summary:

1. Liquid metals (LMs) such as gallium or bismuth based alloys are emerging as new functional materials with unique physical and chemical properties.

2. Recent developments in the optical properties, color and fluorescence effects of liquid metals have opened up potential applications in numerous fields.

3. This review investigates the synthesis, structures, properties, chromaticity and fluorescence of liquid metals to further their applications.

Article analysis:

The article is generally reliable and trustworthy due to its comprehensive coverage of the topic, its use of scientific evidence to support its claims, and its clear presentation of both sides of the argument. The authors provide a detailed overview of the synthesis, structures, properties, chromaticity and fluorescence of liquid metals which allows for a thorough understanding of the topic. Furthermore, they cite relevant research studies to back up their claims which adds credibility to their arguments. Additionally, they present both sides of the argument equally by discussing both potential benefits and risks associated with liquid metal materials.

However, there are some areas where the article could be improved upon. For example, it does not explore any counterarguments or alternative perspectives on the topic which could provide a more balanced view on the issue. Additionally, it does not discuss any possible risks associated with using liquid metal materials which could be important for readers to consider before making decisions about using them in various applications. Finally, there is no discussion about how these materials can be used safely or responsibly which could be beneficial for readers who are interested in using them in their own projects or research.