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Article summary:

1. Femtosecond laser color marking of stainless steel surfaces with different incident wavelengths was investigated theoretically and experimentally.

2. The colors are gradually changed from blue to red due to the elongation of the diffracted light wavelengths.

3. This study offers a new controllable parameter to produce diverse colors, which may find a wide range of applications in the laser color marking, art designing and so on.

Article analysis:

The article is generally reliable and trustworthy as it provides evidence for its claims through theoretical and experimental investigations. The authors have provided sufficient information about the experimental setup used for their research, which adds credibility to their findings. Furthermore, they have discussed potential applications of their findings in various fields such as laser color marking and art designing, which further strengthens the reliability of the article.

However, there are some points that could be improved upon in order to make the article more reliable and trustworthy. For example, while the authors have discussed potential applications of their findings, they have not explored any possible risks associated with these applications or how they can be mitigated. Additionally, while they have discussed how different laser wavelengths can be used to produce different colors on metal surfaces, they have not explored any counterarguments or alternative methods that could be used for this purpose. Finally, while the authors have provided evidence for their claims through theoretical and experimental investigations, they could provide more evidence by exploring other materials or conditions that could affect the results of their experiments.