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Article summary:

1. The steps to make lemonade include cutting the lemon in half, squeezing out the juice, making a simple syrup with sugar and water, and adding water to the lemon juice.

2. There are variations of lemonade recipes that include additional ingredients such as mint leaves or pineapple.

3. Lemonade can be made without a juicer by squeezing the lemon juice into a glass and adding water and sugar gradually while stirring.

Article analysis:



此外,文章中存在偏见和片面报道的问题。例如,在“Dash of Sanity”网站上,作者声称自己的儿子制作出了最好的柠檬水,并没有提供任何证据来支持这一说法。此外,在“Spend With Pennies”网站上,作者只提供了制作柠檬糖浆的步骤,并没有说明如何将其转化为柠檬水。

