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Article summary:

1. This article examines how intergovernmental organizations (IGOs) package their policy advice.

2. The authors analyze the OECD's reporting over a period of six decades to examine the extent to which it has invested in abstract and generic policy models, and to what extent its advice is formulated as detailed policy instructions adapted to the conditions and interests of the countries addressed.

3. The analysis reveals that from the 1990s onwards, themes addressed proliferate and language becomes more abstract, while references to other countries’ policies also increase. This may suggest that policy advice has become more abstract and universalistic.

Article analysis:

This article provides an interesting analysis of how intergovernmental organizations (IGOs) package their policy advice. The authors use the OECD's reporting over a period of six decades as a case study for examining the extent to which it has invested in abstract and generic policy models, and to what extent its advice is formulated as detailed policy instructions adapted to the conditions and interests of the countries addressed. The authors provide a thorough analysis of their findings, which suggests that from the 1990s onwards, themes addressed proliferate and language becomes more abstract, while references to other countries’ policies also increase. This may suggest that policy advice has become more abstract and universalistic.

The article is well-researched with clear evidence provided for each claim made by the authors. Furthermore, they provide an extensive list of sources at the end of their paper which further strengthens their argument. Additionally, they provide biographies for each author which adds credibility to their research as it shows that they are experts in this field with relevant experience in global politics and sociology.

The only potential issue with this article is that it does not explore any counterarguments or alternative perspectives on this topic; however, given its focus on providing an analysis rather than making any claims or recommendations, this is not necessarily a major issue. All in all, this article can be considered reliable and trustworthy due to its thorough research methods and evidence-based approach.