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Article summary:

1. Tom Brady announced his retirement from the NFL after 23 seasons.

2. He won seven Super Bowls in his career, six with the New England Patriots and one with the Tampa Bay Buccaneers.

3. He thanked everyone for allowing him to live his dream and said he wouldn't change a thing.

Article analysis:

The article is generally reliable as it provides factual information about Tom Brady's retirement from the NFL after 23 seasons, including his seven Super Bowl wins. The article does not contain any unsupported claims or promotional content, nor does it present any partiality or bias towards either side of an argument. It also does not omit any risks associated with the topic being discussed, nor does it fail to present both sides of an argument equally. The only potential issue with the article is that it does not explore any counterarguments or provide evidence for its claims, which could be seen as a limitation in terms of its trustworthiness and reliability.