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Article summary:

1. Notion goes through a lot of iteration as they scale through hypergrowth, have a small product management team, and have a four-point product review process.

2. All of Notion's products are interconnected, impacting their organizational design and requiring central planning and product coordination.

3. Notion follows twice-yearly planning cycles, two-week sprints, and quarter-plus planning cadence, with a unified product and technology organization where engineering, product management, design, data, user research, and security all report up to the Chief Product and Technology Officer.

Article analysis:

The article provides an in-depth look at how Notion builds its product, highlighting various aspects of their product development process, team structure, and planning cycles. While the article offers valuable insights into Notion's approach to product development, there are several potential biases and shortcomings that need to be addressed.

One potential bias in the article is the lack of critical analysis or exploration of any potential challenges or drawbacks in Notion's product development process. The article primarily focuses on the positive aspects of Notion's approach without delving into any potential risks or limitations. This one-sided reporting could give readers a skewed perspective on Notion's operations.

Additionally, the article heavily promotes Notion Projects, a new feature being launched by Notion. While it is important to highlight new developments within a company, the promotional nature of this content could raise questions about the objectivity of the information presented.

Furthermore, there are unsupported claims made throughout the article, such as statements about Notion being one of the fastest-growing apps in the world without providing specific data or sources to back up these claims. Including more evidence and data to support these assertions would strengthen the credibility of the article.

The article also lacks exploration of potential counterarguments or alternative perspectives on Notion's product development process. By only presenting one side of the story, readers may not get a comprehensive understanding of the complexities involved in building a successful product.

Moreover, there are missing points of consideration in the article, such as discussions around diversity and inclusion within Notion's product team or any ethical considerations related to their product development practices. These factors are important for a holistic analysis of a company's operations.

Overall, while the article provides valuable insights into how Notion builds its product, it falls short in terms of addressing potential biases, unsupported claims, missing evidence for assertions made, and lack of exploration of counterarguments. A more balanced and critical analysis would enhance the credibility and depth of the content presented.