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Article summary:

1. The author reflects on the moral implications of consuming a violent sport like football, and how it can lead to serious injuries.

2. The article discusses the various reforms that have been implemented in order to make the game safer, but acknowledges that these are unlikely to prevent further injuries from occurring.

3. The author argues that until fans stop watching and cheering for football, horrific injuries will continue to occur.

Article analysis:

The article is written by Jacques Berlinerblau, a professor of Jewish Civilization at Georgetown University who has authored numerous books on the subject of secularism and American higher education. This lends credibility to his opinion piece as he is an expert in his field and has done extensive research on related topics.

The article does not present any evidence or sources for its claims, which could be seen as a limitation as it makes it difficult to assess the accuracy of the information presented. Additionally, there is no exploration of counterarguments or alternative perspectives which could be seen as biased or one-sided reporting. Furthermore, there is no discussion of potential risks associated with playing football which could be seen as a missed point of consideration.

The article does provide some insight into the various reforms that have been implemented in order to make the game safer, however this information is limited and does not provide any evidence for its claims or explore any potential drawbacks associated with these reforms. Additionally, there is no discussion of other possible solutions which could be seen as missing points of consideration.

In conclusion, while the article provides some insight into the moral implications of consuming a violent sport like football and some information about reforms that have been implemented in order to make it safer, it lacks evidence for its claims and fails to explore alternative perspectives or potential risks associated with playing football which could be seen as biased or one-sided reporting.