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Article summary:

1. This paper reviews modern research concerning rural development in the U.S., and reports indicators of U.S. rural distress.

2. It examines the market forces and market failures that cause rural distress and how existing urban/regional theories may be limited in their applicability to rural problems.

3. A variety of uniquely rural issues are identified and discussed, which should inspire theoretical innovations in rural, urban, regional, and spatial economics.

Article analysis:

The article is generally reliable and trustworthy as it provides a comprehensive overview of the current state of research on urban/regional economics and rural development in the U.S., with references to relevant studies from various sources such as journals, working papers, discussion papers, etc. The article also presents a balanced view by discussing both the positive aspects (e.g., market forces) as well as the negative aspects (e.g., market failures) of rural development in the U.S., thus providing an unbiased perspective on the topic at hand.

However, there are some potential biases that could be present in the article due to its focus on only one country (the U.S.) when discussing topics related to urban/regional economics and rural development which could have implications for other countries as well. Additionally, while there is evidence provided for most claims made throughout the article, some claims remain unsupported or under-supported by evidence which could lead to potential inaccuracies or misunderstandings about certain topics discussed in the article if not addressed properly by readers or researchers who use this article as a reference point for further study or analysis on this topic area.