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Article summary:

1. This article examines particle-particle interactions in concentrated dispersions, as probed by the capillary force balance with application to batch sedimentation.

2. The article provides an experimental investigation of batch sedimentation of concentrated bidisperse suspensions, quantitative monitoring of batch sedimentation based on fractional density changes, mathematical modelling of batch sedimentation subject to slow aggregate densification, and microplates based on liquid bridges between glass rods.

3. It also discusses depletion and structural forces produced by ionic micelles, numerical modelling of die and unconfined compactions of wet particles, and other related topics.

Article analysis:

This article is a reliable source for information about particle-particle interactions in concentrated dispersions as probed by the capillary force balance with application to batch sedimentation. The article provides a comprehensive overview of the topic, including an experimental investigation of batch sedimentation of concentrated bidisperse suspensions, quantitative monitoring of batch sedimentation based on fractional density changes, mathematical modelling of batch sedimentation subject to slow aggregate densification, microplates based on liquid bridges between glass rods, depletion and structural forces produced by ionic micelles, numerical modelling of die and unconfined compactions of wet particles.

The article is well-researched and presents both sides equally without any bias or partiality. All claims are supported with evidence from reliable sources such as Powder Technology and Chemical Engineering Science journals. There are no missing points or counterarguments that have been left unexplored in the article. Furthermore, there is no promotional content or one-sided reporting present in the article. The potential risks associated with the topic are noted throughout the text which makes it a trustworthy source for information about particle-particle interactions in concentrated dispersions as probed by the capillary force balance with application to batch sedimentation.