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Article summary:

1. Valery Uvarov is the head of the Department of UFO Research, Palaeosciences and Palaeotechnology of the National Security Academy of Russia and has studied ufology and ancient civilisations for 14 years.

2. He presents information about the role of a mystery installation in relation to the Tunguska event, as well as what Russians think it is and who put it there.

3. Microspherules found at the disaster site suggest that terminators were used to alter or destroy meteorites, with magnetite spherules containing up to 10% nickel found in soil samples taken from different distances from the destruction site.

Article analysis:

This article appears to be reliable and trustworthy overall, as it provides detailed information on Valery Uvarov's credentials and research into ufology, palaeosciences, palaeotechnology, ancient knowledge, and NEXUS Magazine. The article also provides evidence for its claims in terms of microspherules found at the disaster site which suggest that terminators were used to alter or destroy meteorites. Furthermore, soil samples taken from different distances from the destruction site have yielded magnetite spherules containing up to 10% nickel which supports this idea.

However, there are some potential biases present in this article which should be noted. For example, it does not provide any counterarguments or explore alternative explanations for the phenomena discussed in detail. Additionally, while it does provide evidence for its claims regarding microspherules and magnetite spherules containing up to 10% nickel found in soil samples taken from different distances from the destruction site, it does not provide any further evidence or sources for these claims which could help bolster its reliability further.