1. Near-infrared dyes have become a popular area of research in biological imaging due to their advantages of large tissue penetration depth and minimal interference from the organism's own fluorescence.
2. The narrow energy band gap of near-infrared fluorescent dyes leads to a reduction in fluorescence intensity, making it necessary for researchers to make improvements and modifications to enhance brightness.
3. This article provides a review of the current development of high-brightness near-infrared dyes, focusing on the structure-property relationship of fluorescent dyes, with the aim of guiding the development of brighter near-infrared fluorescent dyes.
Based on the content of the article, it provides a review of the current development of high-brightness near-infrared fluorescent dyes in biological imaging. The article highlights the advantages of near-infrared light in biological imaging and discusses the challenges associated with near-infrared dyes, such as reduced fluorescence intensity due to non-radiative transitions and energy loss.
The article mentions that researchers have made improvements and modifications to near-infrared dyes to obtain high-brightness fluorescence. However, it does not provide specific details or examples of these improvements and modifications. This lack of evidence for the claims made weakens the credibility of the article.
Additionally, the article does not present any counterarguments or alternative perspectives on the topic. It solely focuses on the development of high-brightness near-infrared dyes without discussing potential limitations or risks associated with their use in biological imaging. This one-sided reporting limits the comprehensiveness of the article and may indicate a bias towards promoting near-infrared dyes.
Furthermore, there are several unsupported claims throughout the article. For example, it states that near-infrared light has little interference from an organism's own fluorescence without providing evidence or references to support this claim. The lack of supporting evidence raises questions about the reliability and accuracy of the information presented.
The article also includes funding acknowledgments, which may suggest potential biases or conflicts of interest. The funding sources listed include national and provincial natural science foundations, as well as innovation team cultivation plans. These funding sources could potentially influence the research findings and conclusions presented in the article.
In conclusion, while this article provides an overview of high-brightness near-infrared fluorescent dyes in biological imaging, it lacks specific evidence for its claims, presents a one-sided perspective without considering potential limitations or risks, and includes potential biases due to funding acknowledgments. Further research and analysis are needed to fully evaluate and understand the topic discussed in this article.