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Article summary:

1. Longjiang-1 and Longjiang-2 were designed to separate from the launch vehicle at an altitude of ~200 km over the Pacific, and perform several trajectory correction maneuvers (TCMs) and a maneuver for lunar orbit injection (LOI).

2. The VHF/UHF radio design of Longjiang-1/2 includes two independent SDR transceivers and a miniature CMOS camera, integrated into a layer of the stack of onboard electronics.

3. Two downlink waveforms and two uplink waveforms are designed for the Longjiang-1/2’s VHF/UHF radio: GMSK telemetry, JT4G telemetry, GMSK telecommand, and low rate telecommand (LRTC).

Article analysis:

The article provides a detailed description of the design and flight results of the VHF/UHF communication system of Longjiang lunar microsatellites. The article is well written with clear explanations on mission analysis, system configuration, equipment arrangement, transceiver design, waveform design, modulators and demodulators of the VHF/UHF communication system as well as operation of the VHF/UHF radio.

The article appears to be reliable in terms of its content accuracy. It provides sufficient evidence to support its claims such as diagrams showing orbits from Earth to Moon, pictures showing flight hardware of VHF/UHF radio and antenna as well as block diagrams for ground station GMSK coherent receiver, onboard GMSK telecommand receiver, ground station LRTC transmitter and onboard LRTC receiver. Furthermore, it also provides specifications table for VHF/UHF radio which further supports its claims made in the article.

However there are some potential biases in this article that should be noted. Firstly, there is no mention or discussion about any potential risks associated with using this technology which could be seen as a bias towards promoting this technology without considering any possible risks involved. Secondly, there is no mention or discussion about any alternative technologies that could be used instead which could be seen as one-sided reporting by only focusing on this particular technology without exploring other options available. Lastly, there is no mention or discussion about any counterarguments against using this technology which could be seen as partiality by not presenting both sides equally.

In conclusion, while this article appears to be reliable in terms of its content accuracy due to