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How to Pitch Travel + Leisure
Source: travelandleisure.com
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Article summary:

1. Travel + Leisure is looking for unique and original story pitches that add something to the conversation and haven't been covered elsewhere.

2. When pitching, include the topic, angle, scope of the story, why it should be covered, why you are the right writer for the job, and whether you have traveled or would need editorial support for travel expenses.

3. The digital team is looking for all types of travel stories, while print editors are thinking ahead and prefer pitches that bring a fresh perspective to a place or topic.

Article analysis:

The article titled "How to Pitch Travel + Leisure" provides guidelines for writers who want to pitch story ideas to the publication. The article starts by describing the audience of Travel + Leisure as active and passionate travelers who are interested in a wide range of topics related to travel. It emphasizes that pitches should add something new to the conversation and avoid stories that have already been covered elsewhere.

The article provides specific instructions on what should be included in a pitch, such as the topic and angle of the story, the scope of the story, why it should be covered, why the writer is suitable for the job, and whether or not they have traveled yet. If additional travel is required, writers are encouraged to mention it and specify any editorial support they would need for travel expenses.

The article also highlights what should not be included in a pitch, such as a list of places the writer plans to visit or copy-and-pasted press releases. It advises against pitching stories that have already been written for other publications or have recently appeared in Travel + Leisure or competing magazines/websites.

The article encourages writers to develop relationships with editors and not send pitches to multiple editors at once. It acknowledges that editors may not always respond immediately and suggests following up if necessary.

Regarding conflicts of interest, the article states that writers must disclose any affiliations with travel companies or government entities that could present a conflict of interest. It mentions that press trips are acceptable but emphasizes the importance of editorial integrity and fresh storytelling.

The article then provides separate guidelines for pitching digital and print stories. For digital pitches, writers are advised to research existing content on travelandleisure.com and provide a short blurb about their idea along with a grabby headline. The article mentions that payment is based on type of story rather than word count.

For print pitches, writers are informed that print editors plan ahead and breaking news pitches will not be considered. The article encourages writers to come up with unique story ideas and emphasizes the importance of adding something new to the conversation.

Overall, the article provides clear guidelines for writers who want to pitch story ideas to Travel + Leisure. It emphasizes the need for fresh and unique content while also addressing potential conflicts of interest. The article appears to be informative and unbiased, providing practical advice for writers without promoting any specific agenda or bias.