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Article summary:

1. UAVs have potential in public and civil domains, and can be used to complete missions more efficiently than single UAV systems.

2. There are many issues to be resolved before effective use of UAVs can be made, such as routing demands, power constraints, and changing link quality.

3. Software defined networking (SDN) could facilitate flexible deployment and management of new services for UAV networks.

Article analysis:

The article is generally reliable in its discussion of the potential applications of UAVs in public and civil domains, as well as the various issues that need to be addressed before effective use of UAVs can be made. The article cites a number of sources to support its claims, including an FAA notice from June 2014 and a St Louis Post article from July 2014. The article also provides some insight into the potential economic impact of UAVs over the next decade.

However, there are some areas where the article could be improved upon. For example, while it does discuss some potential solutions to the issues raised (e.g., software defined networking), it does not provide any evidence or data to support these solutions or their effectiveness in addressing the issues raised. Additionally, while it does mention possible risks associated with using UAVs (e.g., hazardous materials infiltration), it does not explore these risks in any detail or provide any counterarguments or alternative perspectives on them. Finally, while the article does cite a number of sources to support its claims, it is unclear whether these sources are unbiased or if they may have a vested interest in promoting certain views on UAV technology (e.g., industry groups).