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Article summary:

1. Final is a cross-platform credit product that provides users with a unique credit card number for every merchant, eliminating the hassle associated with cancelled cards, fraud, and theft.

2. The target audience for Final is young professionals in the tech and creative industries who are passionate about their financial security.

3. The lead product designer worked closely with a team of engineers, a PM, a compliance officer, and third-party stakeholders to design all products for Final's credit card platform across mobile and web environments. The product received overwhelmingly positive feedback from users during beta launch.

Article analysis:

The article discusses the development of Final, a cross-platform credit product that aims to solve the problems associated with cancelled cards, fraud, and theft. The target audience for this product is young professionals in the tech and creative industries who are passionate about their financial security. The article provides insights into the design process for both the iOS app and web dashboard, as well as the web-based signup application.

One potential bias in this article is that it presents Final as a solution to all credit card-related problems without acknowledging any potential risks or drawbacks. While it is true that Final's unique credit card number system can help prevent fraud and theft, there may be other risks associated with using a new financial product that are not addressed in this article.

Additionally, the article focuses heavily on the design process for Final without providing much information on how the product actually works or what sets it apart from other credit products. This lack of detail may make it difficult for readers to fully understand what Final offers and why it is different from other options on the market.

Overall, while this article provides some interesting insights into the design process for Final, it could benefit from more balanced reporting that acknowledges potential risks and drawbacks associated with using this product. Additionally, more information on how Final works and what makes it unique would be helpful for readers who are considering using this product.