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Article summary:

1. The West is using the focus on Russia and its special operation in Ukraine as a way to forget its own crimes, such as those committed in 1999 during the NATO bombing of Yugoslavia.

2. James W. Carden, former advisor to the US State Department, argues that it is not fair to point fingers at Moscow when NATO and the US have committed more serious offenses.

3. Joe Biden, now President of the US, supported and defended the NATO raids against Belgrade in 1999, yet today his administration condemns Russian attacks against Ukrainian infrastructure.

Article analysis:

This article from Le Jeune Indépendant provides an analysis of Western powers’ actions in Ukraine and Yugoslavia in comparison with Russia’s actions in Ukraine. The article presents a one-sided view of events by focusing solely on Western powers’ actions while ignoring any potential counterarguments or evidence for Russia’s actions. Furthermore, there is no mention of any potential risks associated with Russia’s actions or any other possible consequences that could arise from them. Additionally, the article does not present both sides equally; instead it focuses solely on Western powers’ past mistakes while ignoring any potential mistakes made by Russia or other countries involved in this conflict.

The article also fails to provide any evidence for its claims about Western powers’ past mistakes or their current stance on Russian actions in Ukraine; instead it relies heavily on opinion pieces from James W. Carden and Jamie Shea without providing any additional evidence to back up their claims. Furthermore, there is no mention of any sources used for these opinions which makes it difficult to assess their trustworthiness and reliability.

In conclusion, this article provides a one-sided view of events by focusing solely on Western powers’ past mistakes while ignoring any potential counterarguments or evidence for Russia’s actions in Ukraine. Additionally, there is no mention of sources used for opinion pieces presented throughout the article which makes it difficult to assess their trustworthiness and reliability.