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Article summary:

1. Conservatism rejects the idea that human beings can be morally improved through political and social change, instead emphasizing the need for traditional institutions to curb base instincts.

2. The conservative temperament is characterized by a distrust of human nature and a preference for historical continuity over abstract theories.

3. Conservatives believe that societies are too complex to be improved through social engineering, and that an understanding of tradition is crucial for effective leadership.

Article analysis:

The article titled "Conservatism | History, Intellectual Foundations, & Examples" provides a general overview of conservatism and its characteristics. While it offers some insights into the conservative perspective, there are several potential biases and shortcomings in the article.

One of the main biases in the article is its reliance on sources that define conservatism and liberalism. By using definitions from Merriam-Webster and Britannica, the article presents a limited understanding of these ideologies. It would have been more comprehensive to include a range of perspectives from different scholars and thinkers.

Furthermore, the article makes unsupported claims about conservatives' views on human nature. It states that conservatives believe humans are driven by their passions and desires, prone to selfishness, anarchy, irrationality, and violence. However, these claims are not backed up with evidence or examples. Without providing specific instances or arguments from conservative thinkers, it becomes difficult to assess the validity of these claims.

The article also lacks exploration of counterarguments or alternative viewpoints. It presents conservatism as inherently skeptical of social change and dismissive of abstract argumentation. However, there are conservative thinkers who engage in rigorous theoretical analysis and advocate for certain types of social change. Ignoring these perspectives limits the depth and nuance of the discussion.

Additionally, the article does not adequately address potential risks or drawbacks associated with conservatism. While it mentions that conservatism can accompany left-wing politics or economics, it fails to explore how conservative policies may perpetuate inequality or hinder progress in certain areas. A more balanced analysis would have acknowledged both the strengths and weaknesses of conservative ideology.

Moreover, there is a lack of historical context in the article. It briefly mentions conservatism's association with established forms of religion but does not delve into how religious institutions have influenced conservative thought throughout history. This omission overlooks an important aspect of conservatism's intellectual foundations.

The article also contains promotional content for conservatism by emphasizing its value as a cognitive resource for political leaders. It suggests that an understanding of tradition is crucial for effective governance without critically examining the potential limitations or biases inherent in relying solely on tradition.

Overall, the article presents a limited and somewhat biased view of conservatism. It lacks depth, fails to provide sufficient evidence for its claims, overlooks counterarguments, and does not present a balanced analysis. A more comprehensive and nuanced exploration of conservatism would have addressed these shortcomings.