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Article summary:

1. Contextual factors influence the implications of the theory of disruptive innovation in three phases.

2. Market factors, actions and interactions of market actors influence emergence and diffusion of disruptive innovation.

3. Enablers, disablers, and limiters mark the transition between each phase in the disruption process.

Article analysis:

The article is generally reliable and trustworthy as it provides a systematic review of 62 articles on contextual factors related to disruptive innovation. The authors provide a comprehensive overview of the literature on contextual factors, which is useful for understanding how these factors can influence the emergence and diffusion of disruptive innovations. The authors also provide a three-phase framework for contextual factors that can help researchers better understand how these factors interact with each other in different contexts.

However, there are some potential biases in the article that should be noted. For example, the authors focus primarily on firm-internal factors when discussing disruptive innovations, which may lead to an incomplete understanding of how external contextual factors can affect disruption processes. Additionally, while the authors discuss enablers, disablers, and limiters as important elements in transitioning between phases in disruption processes, they do not provide any evidence or examples to support their claims about these elements. Finally, while the authors suggest areas for future research at the end of their article, they do not provide any specific recommendations or guidance for researchers interested in exploring these topics further.