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Article summary:

1. ELTD1 is upregulated in human glioma vessels and is associated with poor patient survival.

2. ELTD1 deletion improves tumor vascular function in glioblastoma models and increases inflammatory response and decreases proliferation in tumor endothelium.

3. Targeting of ELTD1 may normalize the vessels and improve the response to immunotherapy.

Article analysis:

The article is generally reliable, as it provides evidence for its claims through experiments conducted on mice models, tissue microarrays, and public databases. The authors also provide a detailed discussion of their findings, which further strengthens the trustworthiness of the article. However, there are some potential biases that should be noted. For example, the authors do not explore any counterarguments or alternative explanations for their findings, nor do they discuss any possible risks associated with targeting ELTD1 for therapy. Additionally, the article does not present both sides equally; instead it focuses solely on the benefits of targeting ELTD1 for therapy without considering any potential drawbacks or limitations. Furthermore, there is no mention of any ethical considerations related to conducting experiments on animals or using human tissue samples in their research. All these points should be taken into consideration when evaluating the trustworthiness and reliability of this article.