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Article summary:

1. Printed flexible electronics are being developed to enable the integration of electronic sensors and systems into everyday objects.

2. These devices can provide sensing, actuation, pixel control, and switching functionalities with active surface areas on the order of centimeters to square meters.

3. Silicon IC components can be integrated onto flexible substrates to facilitate sophisticated signal conditioning, processing, and high-bandwidth wireless transmission.

Article analysis:

The article is generally reliable and trustworthy in its reporting of the development of printed flexible electronics for various applications such as wearable electronics, healthcare, displays, and human–machine interfaces. The article provides a comprehensive overview of the potential applications for these devices and outlines how silicon IC components can be integrated onto flexible substrates to facilitate sophisticated signal conditioning, processing, and high-bandwidth wireless transmission. The article does not appear to have any biases or one-sided reporting; it presents both sides equally by providing an overview of the potential applications for printed flexible electronics as well as outlining how silicon IC components can be used in conjunction with them. Furthermore, the article provides evidence for its claims in the form of references to other research papers that support its assertions. There are no missing points of consideration or unexplored counterarguments; all relevant information is presented in a clear and concise manner. The article does not contain any promotional content or partiality; it is purely informational in nature. Additionally, possible risks associated with using printed flexible electronics are noted throughout the text. In conclusion, this article is reliable and trustworthy in its reporting on printed carbon nanotube electronics and sensor systems.