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Article summary:

1. This article analyzes the failure causes of downhole choke fishing in tight gas wells, taking the choke fishing failure in Daning–Jixian block as representative.

2. The article examines 11 aspects that could influence the success rate of choke fishing, such as the influence of fishing time on throttle fishing, the influence of gas well effusion on the success rate of choke fishing, and so on.

3. The paper provides a reasonable solution to the fishing failure of choke to ensure the safety of tight gas well construction.

Article analysis:

The article is a peer-reviewed technical article published in Journal of Failure Analysis and Prevention, which indicates that it has gone through rigorous review process by experts in this field. The authors have provided detailed analysis from 11 aspects regarding the failure causes of downhole choke fishing in tight gas wells, which is comprehensive and thorough. Furthermore, they have also proposed a reasonable solution to address these issues and ensure safety for tight gas well construction.

However, there are some potential biases that should be noted when assessing this article's trustworthiness and reliability. Firstly, there is no mention of any counterarguments or alternative solutions to tackle these issues; thus it may appear one-sided or biased towards their proposed solution. Secondly, there is no evidence provided for some claims made throughout the article; thus readers should take them with caution until further evidence can be provided to support them. Thirdly, there is no discussion about possible risks associated with their proposed solution; thus readers should consider these risks before implementing it in practice. Finally, although this article has gone through rigorous review process by experts in this field, readers should still assess its content critically before drawing any conclusions from it.