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Article summary:

1. The article discusses the need for culturally-specific strategies for recognition of LGBTQ relationships, but also highlights the similarities in heteronormative discourses used by conservative politicians who oppose recognizing same-sex relationships.

2. The article presents a case study comparing the views of Australian Prime Minister John Howard and former Malaysian Prime Minister Dr Mahathir Mohamad on same-sex relationships, showing that despite their differences, they share similar heteronormative discourses.

3. The article argues that legal recognition of same-sex relationships raises issues of identity and which categories will be recognized, and emphasizes the importance of analyzing government discourses and practices when minority eroticized relationships are not recognized.

Article analysis:

The article "Intersections: Analysing the Politics of Same-Sex Issues in a Comparative Perspective: The Strange Similarities between John Howard and Mahathir Mohamad" addresses the comparative politics of same-sex relationships. While acknowledging the need for culturally-specific strategies for recognition of LGBTQ relationships, the article argues that there can be surprising similarities in the discourse used by conservative politicians who oppose recognizing same-sex relationships.

The article presents a case study involving two very different politicians, John Howard and Mahathir Mohamad, to demonstrate how their heteronormative discourses marginalize those in non-traditional heterosexual relationships. However, the article fails to provide sufficient evidence to support its claims about the similarities between Howard and Mahathir's views on same-sex relationships. It also overlooks important cultural differences that may impact LGBTQ identities and experiences.

Furthermore, while acknowledging the need for culturally-specific strategies, the article relies heavily on Western concepts of homosexuality and same-sex relationships, which may not apply universally. The article also neglects to consider counterarguments or alternative perspectives that challenge its claims.

Overall, while highlighting important issues related to LGBTQ rights and recognition, this article could benefit from more nuanced analysis and consideration of diverse perspectives.