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Article summary:

1. International Women's Day is celebrated on March 8th to recognize the achievements of women in various fields.

2. India has a rich history of inspiring women who have made significant contributions in areas such as medicine, music, and social service.

3. Some notable examples include Anandi Gopal Joshi, Ahilyabai Holkar, Kalpana Chawla, Rani Lakshmibai, Lata Mangeshkar, M.S.Subbalakshmi, Mother Teresa, Sarla Thukral, and Queen Chennabhairadevi.

Article analysis:

The article "10 Powerful and Inspiring Women of India - Intl. Women's Day" celebrates the achievements of ten women who have made significant contributions to Indian society. The article highlights their accomplishments in various fields, including medicine, music, and social service. However, the article is biased towards a positive portrayal of these women and does not provide a balanced view of their lives.

One potential bias in the article is its focus on historical figures rather than contemporary women. While it is important to celebrate the achievements of past generations, it is equally important to recognize the contributions of present-day women who are making a difference in their communities. The article also focuses primarily on women who have achieved success in traditional roles such as motherhood or social service, rather than those who have broken barriers in male-dominated fields such as science or politics.

Another potential bias in the article is its lack of critical analysis of these women's lives. For example, while Ahilyabai Holkar is celebrated for her temple-building activities, there is no mention of how she acquired the resources to fund these projects or whether her actions had any negative consequences for local communities. Similarly, while Mother Teresa is praised for her selfless service to the poor, there is no discussion of criticisms that have been leveled against her methods or motivations.

The article also contains some unsupported claims and missing evidence. For example, it states that Anandi Gopal Joshi was "one of the first woman doctors of India," but does not provide any context for this claim or explain what other women were practicing medicine at that time. Additionally, while the article notes that Sarla Thukral was one of the first Indian women to fly an aircraft, it does not provide any information about how she overcame gender barriers to achieve this feat.

Overall, while "10 Powerful and Inspiring Women of India - Intl. Women's Day" provides a useful overview of some notable Indian women throughout history, it is limited by its biases and lack of critical analysis. A more balanced approach would provide a more nuanced understanding of these women's lives and accomplishments.