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Article summary:

1. Residual displacements are more random than peak inelastic displacements and are sensitive to ground motion details.

2. The post-yield-stiffness-ratio and hysteresis law have been studied thoroughly, with past studies focusing on the bilinear model which does not represent concrete structures.

3. Residual displacements increase when the lateral strength ratio increases, reaching a limit at a lateral strength ratio of 2 to 5.

Article analysis:

The article is generally reliable and trustworthy, as it provides evidence for its claims and presents both sides of the argument equally. It also acknowledges potential biases and sources of error, such as the fact that past studies have focused on the bilinear model which does not represent concrete structures. Furthermore, it provides detailed information on how residual displacements are affected by different factors such as the post-yield-stiffness-ratio and hysteresis law, as well as how they increase when the lateral strength ratio increases.

The article does not present any promotional content or partiality, nor does it make unsupported claims or missing points of consideration. It also notes possible risks associated with residual displacement response spectra used in fragility surfaces for damage states in bridges.

In conclusion, this article is reliable and trustworthy due to its evidence-based approach and balanced presentation of both sides of the argument.