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Article summary:

1. The China Academy of Translation, TAC, and the Institute of China Translation Development released the "2014 Report on China's Translation Industry" in April 2015.

2. The report provides a detailed analysis of the current status of the Chinese translation industry with precise data.

3. This is the second report published by these organizations, following the establishment of a report releasing mechanism in 2012.

Article analysis:

The article provides an overview of the "2014 Report on China's Translation Industry" released by the China Academy of Translation, the Translators Association of China, and the Institute of China Translation Development. The report aims to analyze the current status of the Chinese translation industry with more precise data and detailed analysis.

One potential bias in this article is that it primarily focuses on the positive aspects of the translation industry in China. The article mentions that the report provides a more detailed analysis, but it does not mention any potential challenges or shortcomings within the industry. This one-sided reporting could give readers a skewed perspective on the overall health of the translation industry in China.

Additionally, there are unsupported claims in the article, such as when Huang Youyi states that the report reveals "the latest survey of the Chinese translation industry's status quo." Without providing specific data or evidence from the report itself, these claims lack credibility and may be seen as promotional content rather than objective analysis.

Furthermore, there are missing points of consideration in this article. For example, there is no discussion about potential risks or threats facing the Chinese translation industry, such as competition from other countries or technological advancements impacting traditional translation methods. By not addressing these factors, the article fails to provide a comprehensive analysis of the industry.

It is also important to note that while experts from Chinese translation institutions and universities attended the press conference, there is no mention of any dissenting opinions or counterarguments presented during the event. This lack of exploration into alternative perspectives could indicate a level of partiality in how information is being presented to readers.

Overall, this article lacks depth and critical analysis when discussing China's translation industry. It would benefit from including a more balanced view that considers both positive and negative aspects of the industry, supported by concrete evidence and diverse viewpoints.