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Article summary:

1. This paper analyzes the impact of the COVID-19 lockdown and return to the new normal on city bus transit services in A Coruña, Spain.

2. Data from automatic vehicle location, bus stop boarding, and smart card use were compared to similar data from 2017-2019 to determine changes in transit ridership by line, origin-destination flows, supply, operation time, and reliability of the city bus network.

3. The impacts of the pandemic on general traffic and shared bike system were higher than those on the bus system, with not all parts of the network being affected equally.

Article analysis:

The article “Impact on City Bus Transit Services of the COVID–19 Lockdown and Return to the New Normal: The Case of A Coruña (Spain)” is a well-researched piece that provides an in-depth analysis of how public transportation has been affected by the COVID-19 pandemic in A Coruña, Spain. The authors have used a variety of data sources such as Automatic Vehicle Location (AVL), bus stop boarding records, and smart card use to compare pre-pandemic trends with those during lockdown and after reopening. This allows for a comprehensive understanding of how different aspects such as ridership by line, origin–destination flows, supply levels, operation times, and reliability have been impacted by the pandemic.

The article is generally reliable in its reporting; however there are some potential biases that should be noted. Firstly, it does not provide any information about other forms of public transportation such as trains or trams which may also have been affected by the pandemic. Secondly, it only focuses on one particular city – A Coruña – which may not be representative of other cities or regions in Spain or elsewhere that have experienced different levels or types of restrictions due to COVID-19. Finally, while it does provide some comparison between general traffic and shared bike systems with regards to their recovery post-lockdown period compared to buses, it does not provide any insight into why this might be so or what measures could be taken to improve public transport usage going forward.

In conclusion, this article provides a detailed overview of how public transportation has been impacted by COVID-19 in A Coruña but could benefit from further exploration into other forms of public transport as well as providing more context around why certain trends may exist and what